Monday, December 28, 2015

New Years week!

To who this may concern,
        What a week it's been! Lots of ups and some downs. It was the week of Christmas!! My second and last one in the mission field. That's a weird thought to have! This has been a week of reflection for me! Especially with transfers being tomorrow. We Also had another Baptism this week! WAHOOOOOOO!!!! So that's pretty cool! The Lord has truly blessed me with a lot of things this week! Of course the highlight was being able to talk with my family and close friends on Christmas! So I'll start into this week!

        For my last Christmas Eve in the mission field it sucked! Just a crappy day all around. We had a tough one with a lot of people canceling on us last minute. We had a good time with some members of the church, but when it came to missionary work it was few and far between. Then we received news that we had to travel all the way to Deland to deliver some packages to some missionaries! Which is fun getting to play Santa! But sadly we had to wait an hour for some missionaries because they just wouldn't answer their phones! It was a tad ridiculous. Border line disheartening. Plus other little things happened through out the day that only added to the poopy day! Haha Luckily the day passed, and Elder Egan and I identified things that we could have done better. So that day was soon
out of the way!
           Christmas itself was a much better day!! Well how could you have a bad Christmas? As a missionary the day is not much different other than recovering and opening presents! Plus we get to Skype! Elder Egan and I made it a good day! We had lots of fun making German pancakes in the morning and planning for the next week! Haha I got a lot of great gifts from home, and I'd like to thank all of those who sent me a gift! It truly made a missionary happy! Shout out to Tanner and Erika for sending me a dope tie... Anyways. Christmas was good plus the whole fam dam is doing good! Got to talk to others as well that made my Christmas just that much better! Wahoooooo!!

             Well on Sunday we had another baptism! His name was Zoobie. He's a great kid, he's 11 years of age. He's the son of one of my recent converts Brandi! He decided to follow the example of Jesus Christ and enter into the waters of baptism! An amazing outpouring of the spirit was felt by all who attended! Plus Elder Egan and I had the privilege of teaching the message of The restoration specifically the story of Joseph Smith! We got to teach what makes us the one and true church on the earth! There is no better feeling than that of testifying of the message of The restoration. I know it's true. The baptism went great and it was a great way to end my time in Daytona.

             That's right folks yah heard it here. Elder Carter Crismon received news on Saturday that he will be leaving his new home in Daytona and starting a new journey somewhere else. Daytona is where I have stayed the longest my whole mission. So it feels as though a part of my heart is staying here as I leave. I've made some life long friends and had the privilege of changing a lot of lives here! Honestly, my heart broke as I heard the news, I don't want to leave. I love the people here in Daytona, as crazy as they are. It feels as though I fit in. LOL Through it all I can proudly say with all my heart that I did everything I possibly could to help as many people as possible. I worked with all my heart here, and maybe that's why it's so hard to leave. I would ask for your prayers in my behalf as I begin a new journey somewhere else. I'm really nervous, and sad. Also optimistic about what the future holds for me. All God needs to do is give me the opportunity and I'll make the best of it!

                    Well folks that's the news for today! It was a good week overall! With all of the distractions and stuff Elder Egan and I still had a killer week! One thing I've learned is that dull or slow weeks are for dull or slow missionaries! We can truly make the best of any situation that we are put in. We need to be a creator of circumstances, not a creature of circumstances. That's the key to success in life, or at least that's what I feel! It's my goal to push forward these last 7 1/2 months with all of my heart, might, mind, and strength. That way I can look back with out regret and say to God the father of us all I did what thou as asked me to do. I will be praying for you all this week! I hope you guys had a good Christmas! I'm sure you all did! Don't be afraid to email me now, I know it's tough... but just push through! It'll make me real happy! Haha LOVES!!!!

Love, Elder Carter Crismon

P.S.- Shout out to Danielle Nowers!

A few Pictures....
 At last weeks baptism!

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